Turtle Lakes is an organization whose official goal is to improve our neighborhood through volunteer work by its members.
We need your help!
- Would you be interested in volunteering around the neighborhood?
If yes, please list what things you would like to help with?
- Would you be interested in becoming a street captain? (being in charge of getting information to the houses on your street)
- Would you be interested in working on our newsletter?
All these and many other jobs need your help! If interested please let us know...
The goal of this program is to promote awareness of the Turtle Lakes Civic Association and increase civic pride through community involvement.
As of today, we have 15 households volunteering as street captains. Although that may seem like a large number, when you compare it to the total number of households in our community (372) you see that we each have the large task of communicating with an average of 30 of our neighbors. Hopefully, as this program progresses, we will see an increase in volunteers. There are 20 streets within Turtle Lakes and some streets need more than one street captain to take care of the many homes on them. Ideally we would like to get 30 street captains total to pass out flyers, or newsletters to homes on their streets.
Having street captains help lower Turtle Lakes costs by not having stamps and envelope costs, which is almost $200 each newsletter. Our community could be using that extra $400 on project to improve Turtle Lakes or have more events like everyone has been asking for! It also helps the community get out and meet each other!
We need YOUR help! If you are interested in helping out this group please contact: