We here at Turtle Lakes would like to support our local businesses as much as we can. In the same way, we are looking for local businesses to help our community. To help keep our costs down and at the same time advertise your business to bring more money in, we would like to offer local companies and stores the opportunity to advertise on our site as well as in our newsletters.
Our newsletter reaches all 375 houses in Turtle Lakes. We are a 33559 community in the heart of Lutz in the middle of County Line Rd., Livingston Rd. and SR 54. We currently have two newsletters that go out in March and another in October.
Our site has recently been totally redone for a new fresh look. We hope that the updated and well-maintained site will keep our community more informed to what is going on in Turtle Lakes as well as in and around the Lutz area. Website ads will post the same day the newsletter gets mailed in March and/or October and run 6 months from that date.
Advertising Pricing:
Half year One year
Business Card (1/8 page): $25 $45
1/4 Page: $50 $90
Half Page: $100 $185
Full Page: $200 $375
- Half year ads run in ONE newsletter as well as SIX months on the website.
- Year long ads run in TWO newsletters and are posted on the website for a FULL YEAR.
All ads can be custom made with your business logo. Coupons can also be made with your approval. You can also make your own and email it to us. Ads must be in .jpg form and 300 dpi and 85 lines per inch. Files must be 10MB or smaller.
Please email your ad or ad information/logo to: Also feel free to email us if you have any questions.
Payments can be made with a
business check, money order or through PayPal.
Make checks payable to:
Turtle Lakes Civic Association
PayPal transactions are made to:
All information for the ad as well as payment must be turned in by the due date. Ads will not be made without full payment. Due dates are Feb 1st for the March newsletter and Sept 1st for our October newsletter. Ads that have been placed past the due date yet still before the printing date will be charged an extra $25 per ad or be pushed to the next newsletter printing. This will include the posting of the ad on the website.